International Competition

Color Test Program

Stefanie Weberhofer / Austria / 2022 / 4′ 30” / German | English and Italian subtitles


Color Test Program is a short purist and analog film that offers a humorous look at the history of Austrian television. An ORF (Austrian national public broadcaster) interview recorded in 1969 about the ongoing transition to color television was ironically filmed in black and white. Through hand coloring, colors slowly appear in the background, react to what is said, and finally develop a life of their own.

Animation Stefanie Weberhofer
With the support of Stadt Wien, Land Steiermark

Stefanie Weberhofer
Born in 1988 in Schladming, she is a filmmaker and multimedia artist based in Vienna. Her artistic focus is in the field of experimental and independent avant-garde cinema. She makes his films using Super8, 16mm or 35mm film, often processed manually. Her works are presented in cinema, exhibitions and performances.

May 30 08:00 pm.
Cinema Intrastevere Hall 1

June 1 11:00 am.
Cinema Intrastevere
Hall 3
