Carte blanche
Philippe-Alain Michaud – Centre Pompidou
A selection of rare archival films chosen by the director of the department of Experimental Cinema of the Paris museum.
Digital screenings.
Carte blanche #1 – History
June 1 6:00 p.m.
Cinema Intrastevere Hall 2
Carte blanche #2 – Stories
June 2 6:30 p.m.
Cinema Intrastevere Hall 2
Introduced by the curator
L’Histoire et Les histoires
History is one and collective; stories are singular and multiple. If the former is made of documents, the latter is made of fairy tales. In the field of found footage, the line between the symbolic and the imaginary is thus drawn: both work from a residue deposited in impressional images-the real-from which substitution occurs; that is, the division, not without interference, between nonfiction and fiction.
Philippe Alain-Michaud, 2024

Whistle Stop
Martin Arnold / 2014 / 3’ 20’’ / 16mm
Histoire du Soldat Inconnu
Henri Storck / 1931 / 10’ / 16mm
News Reel
Rafael Montanez-Ortiz / 1958 / 1’ 43’’ / 16mm
Watching for the Queen
David Rimmer / paese / 1992 / 11’ 2’’ / 16mm
Looting for Rodney
Ken Jacobs / 1994-1995 / 3’/ 16mm
Displaced Person
Daniel Eisenberg / 1994 / 10’ / 16mm
Studies in images (de) Generation
Corinne Cantrill, Arthur Cantrill / 1975 / 10’ / 16mm
Oliver Beer / 2014 / 3’/ 16mm, VideoHD
La danse de Saint Guy
Emilie Pitoiset / 2008 / 5’/ digital beta
Soft Palate
Martin Arnold / 2010 / 3’10’’ / digital
Les histoires

Sur les bords de la caméra
Henri Storck / 1931 / 11’ / 35mm
Crossing the great Sagrada
Adrian Brunel / 1924 / 15′ / 16mm
The Georgetown loop
Ken Jacobs / 1997 / 11’ / 16mm
Sur les bords de la caméra
Henri Storck / 1931 / 11’ / 35mm
David Rimmer / 1985 / 10’ / 16mm
Rafael Montanez-Ortiz / 1957 / 1’ 9’’ / 16mm
Cecile Fontaine / 1990 / 7’ 30’’ / 16mm
Passage à l’acte
Martin Arnold / 1993 / 12’ / 16mm
Home Stories
Mathias Müller / 1991 / 6’ / 16mm
Philippe-Alain Michaud
Curator at Musée National d’Art Moderne – Centre Pompidou, Area Menager of film archive. Techer of Story and theory of cinema at Université de Genève. Aurthor of Aby Warburg et l’image en mouvement (Macula, 1998), Le peuple des images (Desclée de Brouwer, 2004), Sur le Film (Macula, 2016), Anime primitive. Figure di celluloide, di peluche e di carta (Quodlibet, 2023). He wrote various articles on the relationship between cinema and visual arts. He has been the curator of several exhibitions, including Comme le rêve le dessin (Musée du Louvre/Centre Pompidou, 2004), Le mouvement des images (Centre Pompidou, 2006), Nuits électriques (Musée, de la photographie, Moscou et Laboral (Gijon, Spain) 2007, Tapis volants (Villa Medici, Rome et Les Abattoirs, Toulouse) 2010, Beat Generation (Centre Pompidou, 2016), L’œil extatique : Sergueï Eisenstein à la croisée des arts (Centre Pompidou-Metz, 2019), Le reste est ombre (Centre Pompidou, 2022).