Italian Landscapes

The House He Built

Caterina Borelli / Italy / 2019 / 76’ / Italian

Sergio, journalist, intellectual, storyteller, television pioneer and above all traveler, now elderly, continues to travel through the rooms of his house. Each drawer, bookcase, object is the beginning of a new story and a pretext for reflections on the craft of journalism, television and the world. Listening to Sergio’s reflections we embark on a journey through memory in which universal questions resonate: what role do places and objects play in people’s lives? What matters when life comes to an end? After a life spent telling stories for others, what do we leave behind?

Screenplay Caterina Borelli
Editor Aline Hervé
Photography and shooting Nora Guicheney, Caterina Borelli
Music Mert Çetinkaya
Production anonymous productions, (NYC) in collaboration with Arsenale 23 (Roma)
Producer Caterina Borelli
Co-producers Nora Guicheney, Ernesto Faraco
Story editor Malva Guicheney
Color and VFX Adriano Mestichella

Caterina Borelli
Is a filmmaker and artist. Her works, intersecting media, anthropology, and history, focus on the interaction between people, architecture, and places. Starting with the film Asmara, Eritrea (2007), Caterina’s research particularly explores the relationship between place and memory. Since 2019, she has been developing “Necessary Memory,” four intervention projects on some of the colonial memory sites in Rome, including a book published in 2022 in collaboration with the Museo della Civiltà, Rome, and the publisher viaindustriae di Foligno. A graduate of the Whitney Museum of American Art’s ISP in New York (1987/88), Caterina’s films have been screened in international museums including the Museum of Modern Art in New York; the Smithsonian museums in Washington DC; the British Museum in London; the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia (Madrid), the Fundaçao Serralves in Oporto, and are part of the collections of the Fundaçao Serralves (Oporto) and the Mambo (Bologna). For her projects, Caterina has received support from institutions such as the Graham Foundation in Chicago, the New York State Council on the Arts, Arteleku (Bilbao), and the MIC (2021). She has also received the prestigious Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Residency Award (2014) and the Bogliasco Foundation Fellowship Award (2022). Since 2017, she has been responsible for the Moro Roma iconographic archive, a collection of social and political images covering the 20th century.

May 28 05:00 p.m.
Cinema Intrastevere Hall 2
Meeting with the author 
