International Competition

Official Competition 2024

Angie Vinchito / Russia / 2022 / 68′ / Russian | English and Italian subtitles

Children are our future. Therefore, to see what the future holds for our country and society, it is necessary to support the lives of teenagers in school. The film consists of videos shot and posted on the Internet by teens born in the 21st century living in Russia. From “good mornings” and school gatherings with innocent chatter, to evacuations and Columbine-like incidents. And no matter how bizarre this path may seem, the protagonists never abandon their smartphones. The film shows the abundance of cruelty: those who only yesterday were innocent victims of a teacher’s, family’s or state’s actions quickly adapt and learn to pass on that cruelty.

Editing Angie Vinchito
Camera Angie Vinchito
Music Angie Vinchito
Sound design and mix Angie Vinchito
Production Angie Vinchito
Producer Angie Vinchito

Angie Vinchito
Behind the name Angie Vinchito is a collective that does not want to make its identity known.

May 29 08:30 pm.
Cinema Intrastevere Hall 1
Andrej Grjazev, director, introduces

May 30 07:30 p.m.
Cinema Intrastevere Hall 3