
International Competition

Audiovisual works of all genres, durations, formats, produced since 2021, investigating the horizons of creative reuse.

Special Screenings

Works by film masters confronting the reuse of archival images.

Processi d'archivio

History, Documentary, Judicial films.


International titles that reflect on the geographical and aesthetic frontiers of found footage.

Panorami italiani

A glance upon films that showcase the variety of practices and poetics in Italian found footage.

Carte blanche - Philippe-Alain Michaud - Centro Pompidou

A selection of rare archival films chosen by the director of the department of Experimental Cinema of the Paris museum.
Digital screenings.

IDFA ReFrame Award @UnArchive

UnArchive Found Footage Fest hosts the Beeld & Geluid IDFA ReFrame Award from the Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival.

MUTA Festival @UnArchive

UnArchive Found Footage Fest hosts a selection from the MUTA Festival Internacional de Apropiación Audiovisual in Lima.

Class(room) reuse

Selection of films from art residencies and training courses.

AAMOD Reloaded

AAMOD repurposes in single-channel form some of the most interesting live performances produced by the archive.
