International Competition

Like the Glitch of a Ghost

Paula Albuquerque / Netherlands, Portugal / 2023 / 20′ / Deutsch | English and Italian Subtitles


In the Eye Cinema Museum archive, Paula Albuquerque found a piece of religious/medical propaganda from the 1950s. Filmed in Suriname, the original footage shows the supporting role that Dutch settlements had created in order to justify territorial dispossession and power dynamics in former colonies.
Like The Glitch of a Ghost is a false double, introducing a glitch, actualizing the archive, and confirming the vital sovereignty of those who were represented as subalterns. It haunts the archive as ghosts haunt the images we are still learning to perceive.

Producer Paula Albuquerque
Glitch programming and design José Miguel Biscaya
Rotobrush Sophie Speklé

Paula Albuquerque
Paula Albuquerque is a Portuguese artist and scholar living in Amsterdam, whose works have been shown in solo exhibitions at galleries such as Bradwolff Projects (2023, 2018, 2015); Looiersgracht 60 (2023); Nieuw Dakota (2020); the former Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam (2016), and at film festivals such as the International Film Festival Rotterdam (2016); and Sheffield DOC|Fest (2020). She has published the booksEnter he Ghotst—Haunted Media Ecologies (solo exhibition project book, 2020) and The Webcam as an Emerging Cinematic Medium (Amsterdam University Press, 2018). Albuquerque regularly presents his research at conferences, including “Media in Transition” at MIT; NECSUS Conference; and Visible Evidence. She is currently affiliated with the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam as a senior researcher.

June 1 11:00 am.
Cinema Intrastevere Hall 1

June 2 09:00 pm.
Cinema Intrastevere
Hall 3