International Competition



Anna Malina Zemlianski / Germany / 2022 / 5′ 26” / Silent


A fantasy of revenge. A corrupt and defective daydream. A futile attempt to cope with visions of terror… Sunflower Fields Forever!
Scenes from various films by necrorealist director Yevgeni Yufit create a new narrative influenced by the grief triggered by Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine. A film that was datamoshed with avidemux andprinted with an inkjet printer, leaving the cartridges empty until the colors were defective, and further manipulating the prints with the collage technique. applying water to the ink or using tape to tear off sections of the images.
The soundtrack is composed entirely of sounds found in the films themselves. Like the images, these sounds have also been connected and manipulated.

Producer Anna Malina Zemlianski
Archive Yevgeni Yufit

Anna Malina Zemlianski
Anna Malina is an experimental artist who works with self-representation and image approrpation, creating .gif animations, short films and music videos. She is strongly influenced by her exploration of cinema and the history of moving images, and is obsessed with materiality, failures and absences.

May 29 6:00 p.m.
Cinema Intrastevere Hall 1

Rerun May 30 9:00 p.m.
Cinema Intrastevere
Hall 3
