Italian Landscapes


Luciana Fina / Portugal, Italy / 2023 / 73’ / Italian

Suspending the frontier between document and creation, Andromeda takes the viewer between the time of the early age of TV and the lived time of the filmic experience in the movie theater, between memory and imagination, utopia and experimentation. The film summons the artistic expression inscribed in public TV between the 1960s and 1970s, when the experimental response of video art arose and, confronted with the new language, cinema questioned its modes of production and relationship to the real. The images of the past watch us and claim our presence. Returning to look at them urges constant, implicit movements in the present.

Editing Luciana Fina
with Francesca Totire
Voiceover Marcello Urgeghe
Director and editing assistant Vítor Carvalho
Software Paolo Solcia
RAI Teche Research Francesca Cadin
Color João Nunes, Vítor Carvalho
Mix Elsa Ferreira, Nuno Bento
Production AR de FILMES, LAFstudio
Associated producer Dupla Cena
Producer Alexandre Oliveira, Luciana Fina, António Cãmara Manuel
In partnership with RAI Teche

Luciana Fina
Director and visual artist, she has been working in Lisbon since 1991. She researches in the field of Expanded Cinema and, moving between documentary film writing and artistic practice, has developed an extensive body of work for the cinema, stage, publishing and exhibition space. Curator of programmes and editions for the Cinemateca Portuguesa, and currently a researcher at the Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, she filmed her first documentary in ‘97, joining the generation of filmmakers who breathed new life into documentary cinema in Portugal. Her films, filmic and site-specific installations, regularly presented at international film festivals and exhibitions, are present in the Collections of the Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Nouveaux Medias do Centre Georges Pompidou and CACE Colecção de Arte Contemporânea do Estado. On 25 April, she inaugurated Sempre, a new installation conceived for the Cinemateca Portuguesa based on the archives, on the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Revolução dos Cravos of 1974.

June 2 04:00 pm.
Cinema Intrastevere Hall 1
Meeting with the author
